


Vol. 1 Vol. 2 Vol. 3 Vol. 4 Vol. 5 Vol. 6 Vol. 7 Vol. 8
Flu Season
 ところでインフルエンザが流行する(the flu is going around)ことに、"popular"は使いません。"popular"はみんながそうなることを望んだときに使います。またインフルエンザは人々の感染(people are infecting each other)によって広がります。しかし通常は"give"を使い、People are giving each other. と言います。Take care!

J A: "I've caught a terrible cold from my girlfreiend. I think she's given me the flu!"

No way!

J A: 「このケーキ、最後のひとつなんだけど、たべてもいい?」
B: 「もうふたつも食べたじゃない!No way!」
J A: また5時からミーティングがあるそうですよ。」
B: 「No way!せっかくの金曜日なのに!」

Bless you
くしゃみをした人に「大丈夫ですか」の意味をこめて言ってあげるフレーズです。もともとは神様のお恵みがありますようにと、キリスト教的な意味をもっていましたが、現在は宗教にあまり関係のない人たちにも使われています。ちなみに「Bless you.」と言われたら、「Thank you」と答えます。

J A: 「ハックション!」
B: 「Bless you.」

 カレンダー(西暦)のカウント方法は、Dionysius Exiguus(6世紀の修道士)によって、これまでのローマ帝王Diocletianの君臨からカウントしていたものから、キリストの誕生からカウントするという考え方に変更されました。しかし皮肉なことに、Dionysiusはキリストの誕生を3年誤って計算してしまいました。そのため実際には1997年1月1日に第3のミレニアムが始まっているのです。
 アメリカでは「20th Century」という言葉を社名に使っている会社もありますが、古く感じてしまうイメージを避けるために、「Century」と短くしているようです。でも、あの映画会社の「20th Century Fox」は変える訳にはいかないでしょう。

New Year Resolutions
 さあ、あなたもお友達に"What is your New Year Resolution?"と聞いてみましょう。

「Y2K bug」や「Y2K problem」のように使われます。
 他の数字を表す省略形には、10年(decade)を表す「dec」、100年(century / centenary)を表す「cent」があります。

Sleep on it

J 「新プロジェクトのメンバーがあれでいいのか、なんだか不安になってきた、、、。I guess I'll sleep on it.」

J A: 「課長、例のコンピュータ購入についてなんですけれど。」
B: 「「ああ、あれね。…Let me sleep on it.」

It's not my cup of tea.

J A: 「7時からみんなでサッカー観よう!」
B: 「うーん、サッカーってあんまり好きじゃないんだよね...。It's not my cup of tea.」

J A: 「インターネットについてちょっと聞きたいんですけど。」
B: 「他のひとに聞いたほうがいいですよ。私はコンピュータはちょっと...。It's not my cup of tea.」

Rain cats and dogs

J 「わ、バケツひっくり返したみたいに降ってる! It's raining cats and dogs!」

It's a piece of cake.

J 「この書類を3時までに仕上げるなんて、朝飯前!  It's a piece of cake!」

J 「マイケル先生の宿題なんてチョロイ。 It's a piece of cake!」

Let's call it a day.

J 「もう7時だ、、、。明日も早いからもうこの位にしておこう! Let's call it a day!」

J 「今日は土曜だから、もう帰りましょうか。 Let's call it a day!」

I'm between jobs.
「無職」、「求職中」のカッコをつけた表現です。仕事をしていない、とは言わずに、「今は前の職とこれからの職の中間地点にいます。」 残念ながら、今まで仕事をしたことのない人は使えません。

J A: 「まだ大通りの会社にいるの?」
B: 「あそこは10月に辞めました。I'm between jobs.」

J A: 「今は何をしているんですか。」
B: 「今はちょっと、、、。I'm between jobs.」

It's on the tip of my tongue.…

J 「NHKのみんなのうたにでていたあの歌、、、兄弟の歌、、、
It's on the tip of my tongue.…」

J 「小学校のときの教頭先生の名前、憶えてる?あの背が低くておっかなかった先生、、、中川じゃなくて、中山じゃなくて、、、
It's on the tip of my tongue.…」

Knock on wood.
災難に遭わないよう木製のものを叩くというオマジナイのようなフレーズです。自慢をしたり、こうなったらいいな、というような話をしたあとに、自慢をしたことがだめになったり反対のことが起ったりしないことを願って、手近にある木製品をノックします。木製のものがみあたらないようなら"Knock on wood."を言うだけの時もあります。

J 「うちの息子が××高校に合格しました!この勢いで○○大学に、、、」 Knock, knock.
J 「そろそろ昇給の時期なんだけど、今回はいくらくらい上がるかな、、、」 Knock, knock.

Parts of the whole
t is Saturday night and you have ordered pizza. There is you and a friend, so you divide the pizza into half. Maybe there are three of you: so you divide the pizza into thirds. Or if there are four friends: into quarters.

In conversation, non-technical English, we do not usually express smaller division than _ or larger than _ as fractions. Instead we use percentages: e.g. "Out of this year's high school graduates, less than 20 % have jobs and about 80 % are still unemployed."

「今年の高校の卒業生は、就職した人は20% 以下less than 20 %)で、約 80%はまだ仕事がない状態です。」

Some people know what they mean, many people do not, but even native speakers become confused when trying to pronounce them. If you have to do a presentation in English here are some basics.
  x2  "x squared"
  x3  "x cubed"
  x4  "x to the fourth (power)"
  x±n "x the plus or minus nth (power)"

  x2  "x squared"
  x3  "x cubed"
  x4  "x to the fourth (power)"
  x±n "x the plus or minus nth (power)"

Lend, Borrow, Rent
Banks lend money to people.
People borrow money from banks.

Video stores rent videos to people.
People rent videos from video stores.


How's it going?
Native speakers usually don't say "hello" when they meet. They use other greetings, especially when close friends meet. Here are a few.

How's it going?  Great! / Not bad. / So-so. / Terrible!
What's up?    Nothing much. How about you? / The usual.
What's new?   Not much. How about you? / I bought a sweater.

"New" is a little different from "news." If you're getting married, that news. If the cherry trees are in blossom in Sapporo, that's news. If you went to see the cherry blossoms with your friends, that's not news - but it is new, and your teachers would love to hear about it!

  挨拶           答え
How's it going? Great! / Not bad. / So-so. / Terrible!
What's up?   Nothing much. How about you? / The usual.
What's new?  Not much. How about you? / I bought a sweater.


Talking time
When we talk about the past we use ago. - "I went to Australia two years ago. (1998)"
When we talk about future we use in two years.
- "In 2 years I'm going to America to study. (2002)"
Many people confuse these words with before and after. We use these when we are talking about activities preceding or following an event, either in the future or the past.
- "Before I went to Australia 2 years ago, I studied English very hard! But after I returned to Japan I stopped studying."
- "Before I go to America in 2 years, I must get a high TOEIC score, after Golden Week I will start studying!"
"I went to Australia two years ago.(1998)" (私は2年前にオーストラリアへ行きました。)
未来についての話をするときには、in two yearsを使います。
"In 2 years I'm going to America to study.(2002)" (2年後に、私は勉強のためオーストラリアへ行きます。)
"Before I went to Australia 2 years ago, I studied English very hard! But after I returned to Japan I stopped studying."
"Before I go to America in 2 years, I must get a high TOEIC score, after Golden Week I will start studying!"

School life
A recent survey showed that Japanese school kids are slow to stop bullies who bully their victims by stealing their books, calling them names, hitting them...or worse.
e careful when talking about this subject. You can say "I was bullied at school" or "He bullied me", this means you were hurt. But if you say "I bullied at school", it means you were the bad person!
 この話題について話すときには気を付けなければならないことがあります。「I was bullied at school.」や「He bullied me.」と言った場合、あなたが傷つけ(いじめ)られたことを意味します。 しかし「I bullied at school.」と言った場合は、あなたが悪い(いじめた)人だという意味です。

Directions are difficult to explain in any language. Non-native speakers sometimes mix up north of and northern. Hokkaido is not north of Japan. Hokkaido is in northern Japan. Sakhalin is north of Japan.
If we translate literally from Japanese, we often get expressions like this: "Abashiri is in the eastern part of Hokkaido." Instead, a native speaker would say "Abashiri is in eastern Hokkaido."
In English it is common to describe location by north, south, east and west and by distance or travel time: "My parents live one hour west of New York City."
方角を説明することは、どんな言語でも難しいことです。ネィティヴスピーカーではない人は、north ofnorthernを混乱してしまう場合があります。北海道は日本の北 (north of Japan)にあるのではありません。北海道は日本の北部(northern Japan)にあります。サハリンは日本の北(north of Japan)にあります。
 日本語を直訳する場合、しばしば「網走は北海道の東部(eastern part of Hokkaido)にあります。」というように表すこともありますが、ネィティヴスピーカーは「網走は北海道の東部(eastern Hokkaido)にあります。」と言うでしょう。
 英語では一般に、northsoutheastwestは位置(location)、または距離(diatance)や移動する時間(travel time)(「My parents live one hour west of New York City.」)を表すときに使われます。

New Starts
Japan in April is the time for new starts, at schools and at jobs.
Some employees hear that they are being transferred to a new section/office or even job. This is a particularly Japanese work practice, moving staff around every few years.
We can say "Watanabe has been transferred to Hakodate, with/without his family".
If you are a graduate starting work for the first time you are a "new employee" or a "recent hire".
 この場合、"Watanabe has been transferred to Hakodate, with / without his family."(渡辺さんは家族と一緒に(単身で)函館へ転勤になりました。)と言います。
 学校を卒業して初めて仕事に就く人(新卒者)のことは、"new employee"、または "recent hire"と言います。

Mount Usu is an active volcano. Last week it erupted after several days of earth tremors in the area. (tremors are small, Kobe had an earthquake).
Volcanoes are dormant or active. When they erupt lava flows down the mountainside.
People in Sapporo remember the last eruption, when volcanic ash fell like rain in the city.
有珠山は活火山(an active volcano)です。その地域では数日間、微震(earth tremors)が続いていましたが、先週、ついに噴火(erupt)しました。("tremors"は小さな地震で、神戸で起こったような大きな地震は"earthquake"です。)
 札幌に住む人達も、あの雨のように火山灰(volcanic ash)が降った、前回の噴火(eruption)の時のことを、思い出すことでしょう。

I ate at a restaurant. Its name was Sakura. --> I ate at a restaurant called Sakura.
I saw a movie whose title was "The Titanic." --> I saw a movie called "The Titanic."

Q. Do you know "go"?
A. Do I know a person called Hiromi Go? The English verb "to go"? a game called go?
Q. Do you know a game called go.
A. Oh, yeah. I know a game called go.

引っ越しの季節がやってきました。友達が"housewarming party"に招待してくれるかもしれません。これはヒーターを贈り物として持って行くことを意味しているのではありません。 "housewarming"(新居披露)は新しい家での最初のパーティで、新しい土地での友情を深めるためのものです。もちろん、"housewarming present"(新築祝い)として、タオルや植物、ワイングラスなどのようなものを持っていきます。

Presenting a present!

"to present"(動詞)は、儀礼的に誰かに何かを贈る(例えば、学校の卒業式や水泳競技の賞など)ことを意味します。"I'm going to present Amanda with cookies on White Day."とは言いません。"I'm going to give 〜"の方がいいです。
 また"present"には、提出する("present a report")、紹介する("present a person")、公開する・提供する("present a TV show")という使い方もあります。

"a present"(名詞)は、贈られるものを意味します。

"present"(形容詞)は、現在の("The present system should be changed.")や、出席して("Sato was not present at the meeting.")という意味もあります。

 よく間違えるのは発音です。"The teacher presented the graduating student with a diploma."のように動詞として使う場合、"presented"の"s"にアクセントを置きます。

誘拐された(abducted) 少女が、9年間行方不明の後、最近新潟で発見されました。次に誘拐に関する単語をあげてみました。

("FBI agent Scully was abducted by aliens.")
kidnap:同じ意味ですが、誘拐者(kidnapper)が身代金(a ransom)を要求するものです。
("Charles Lindbergh's baby was kidnapped.")
("The terrorists hijacked the plane and ordered it to fly to Hawaii.")
take a hostage:犯罪の間、誰かを誘拐する(人質をとる)ことです。
("The bank robbers took hostages and held them for six hours.")

THE '80s, THE '90s, THEN WHAT?

  the Ohs
  the Zeros
  the Naughts
  the Aughts


 この病気になると、がでて(you have a high temperature)、悪化すると高熱になります(you have a fever)。 せきがでて(you are coughing)、のどが痛く(you have a sore throat)なり、時々くしゃみをしたり鼻水がでたり(you sneeze and have a runny nose)します。 "flu"によって、体中の筋肉が痛む(all the muscles in your body ache)こともあります。

Valentine's Day
一般に、ヴァレンタインに選ぶチョコレートは "a box of chocolates"と言います。
 ヨーロッパの国々では、2月14日には愛する人に花や贈り物をしたり、食事に出かけたりします。またこの日は、あなたの想いを表した匿名のカード(an anonymous card)を出す日でもあります。(このカードは友達にジョークの意味で出したり、自分の家族に送ったり、もちろん密かに恋する人に出したりもします。)このヴァレンタインカードには「Roses are red, violet are blue, sugar is sweet and so are you!」といった愛の詩が書かれています。Happy Valentines!

I'm sick.
"I'm sick."という状態の場合、"I am catching a cold." とは言いません。"I have a cold."です。
 たとえば"cathing a ball"は動作を表しますが、"having a ball"は状態を表します。風邪をひくという意味としてはどちらも正しいのですが、具合が悪くなり始めのときには"I am catching a cold. "、もう具合が悪い状態の場合は、"I've caught a cold." 、"I have a cold."、"I am sick."と言います。

Olympic athletes are competing for gold in Sydney, cheered on by spectators in the stands and at home. We say Yawara-chan won a gold in judo, that an athlete broke the World Record and that Japan beat/defeated Slovakia at soccer.
Athletes may be asked to take a dope test and if they test positive they face a ban. The winning athlete climbs onto the podium and their national anthem is played.

To japan!
Did you know that "japan" is a verb? e.g. I japan every day, he japanned yesterday, she has to japan the box. What are these people doing?

To japan is a verb describing to lacquer, a kind of traditional craft in which wood or leather is given a black, hard, shiny surface with a varnish.


Think of a big box. What is it's height, width and depth? It is 20 cm high, 30 cm wide and 25 cm deep. It's height is 20 cm, width is 30 cm and it's depth is 25cm.

In questions we generally use the adjective form
e.g. How long/wide/high/deep is the box?

We can use the same dimensions for an area of water, a garden, a sports stadium or the body of an airplane.
大きな箱を思い浮かべて下さい。その高さ、幅、奥行きはどのくらいですか?その箱は20cmの高さで、30cmの幅で、25cmの奥行きがあります。その箱は高さ20cm、幅30cm、奥行き25cm です。

例)How long/wide/high/deep is the box?


How do you say?
We use abbreviations both in writing and speaking. Usually the two or three-letter abbreviation are pronounced as letters, and longer examples are read as words.

Letters - the UN, USA, the PM of Japan (Prime Minister), the WHO (World Health
    Organization), IOC (International Olympic Committee)
Words - AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome), NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
    Organization), FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association)
    * The last is not English at all - but French!

Pronunciation posers
You can probably read these words - but can you pronounce them correctly?
Be careful and remember that verbs often have more stress.

a) A farm is a place to produce produce.
b) The students decided to present a present to their teacher.
c) The table is too close to the door, so I cannot close it.
これらの単語を、あなたは読むことはできますよね。でも正しく発音することができますか? 動詞では時々アクセントの位置が変わることに注意して、しっかりと覚えておいて下さい。

a) A farm is a place to produce produce.
b) The students decided to present a present to their teacher.
c) The table is too close[klous] to the door, so I cannot close[klouz] it.

First / Start
Talking about our first experiences of something can use different forms of English, we can use "first" and "started" or "began".
  When I first went to Hakodate...
  The first time I went to Hakodate...

If we use "start" or "begin" , the verb has "ing".
  When I started playing tennis...
  When I began playing tennis...
初めての体験を話す場合、英語では"first" 、 "started" 、"began"を使って、異なった言い方をすることができます。

 "start" または "begin"を使う場合、動詞には"ing"が必要です。

The main summer festival in Japan, when people return to their home towns to clean family graves and set up a spirit altar in front of the Buddhist family altar to welcome back the souls of their ancestors. Priests visit homes to read sutras.

Black and brown
Too much sun is bad for the skin, but inevitably you will change color a little in the coming weeks. Be careful what you say about the change in English!
Direct translation produces "I am black after 5 hours on Dream Beach!", which sounds strange in English.
Usually we say "I am sun burnt or red", and later "The skin on my arms is peeling" and eventually "I have nice tan."
*He is sunbathing means he is laying on the sand in the sun.
 英語に直訳すると「I am black after 5 hours on Dream Beach!(ドリームビーチに5時間もいたら真っ黒になった!)」ですが、これは英語では正しくありません。
 通常は「I am sun burnt or red(日に焼けている)」と言います。その後、「The skin on my arms is peeling(腕の皮がむけて)」ついには「I have nice tan(良く日焼けしている)」となります。
*「He is sunbathing」は彼が太陽の下で砂浜に寝ていることを意味します。

By the river
Where exactly are you this summer? Make sure to use the correct prepositions!

"on the river" means on a boat which is on the water surface.
"in the river" means you are swimming - or fell in!
"by or next to the river" means on the land nearby.
"over the river" means you can fly.
"cross the river" means you are using a bridge or stepping stones.
"along the river" means travelling up or down the riverbank or the water itself.

"on the river" - 水面に浮かぶボートの上を意味します。
"in the river" - 泳いでいること、もしくは川に落ちてしまったことを意味します。
"by or next to the river" - 川の近くの陸地をあらわします。
"over the river" - あなたが飛べることを意味します。
"cross the river" - 橋を使うかまたは石の上を歩いて、川を渡ることを意味します。
"along the river" - 川岸または川を登ったり、下ったりすることを意味します。

Driving in Hokkaido is popular, but in summer and public holidays the roads become crowded and there is a traffic jam. North Americans say there is a "backup" of 5 km, the British say there is a "tailback" of 5 km - either way it's bad!
This summer be a safe driver, don't break the speed limit and take care passing slower cars on narrow, mountain roads.
北海道ではドライブが人気です。でも夏や休日になると、道路が混み合い渋滞になります。たとえば、5km渋滞していることを、アメリカ北部では"there is a backup of 5 km"、イギリスでは"there is a tailback of 5 km"と言いますが、いずれにしても渋滞はいやなものです。

Snow Brand
Snow Brand Milk Products Co. has recently been at the center of a food-poisoning scandal. Many people became sick and the company's dairy products have been withdrawn from sale.
Environmental health inspectors are now checking the firm's plants all over Japan.

Basic Math
Are you making presentation in English that includes some basic math?
It looks easy, but do you know how to pronounce it?
3 4 = 7  "3 plus 4 equals 7."
3 2 = 1
 "3 minus 2 equals 1."
 "3 take away 2 is 1."
 "2 from 3 is 1."
3 × 3 = 9
 "3 multiplied by 3 equals 9."
 "3 times 3 is 9."
 "3 threes are 9."

Recently the Empress Dowager Nagako and former Prime Minister Takeshita died, or in more formal English, passed away. Families hold a wake, when people come to view the coffin, and finally a funeral. Guests are called mourners.
In Japan families continue to remember the dead at a series of special memorial days.
最近、皇太后良子様、竹下元総理が亡くなられ(died)ました。より正式な英語ではpassed awayと言います。家族はお通夜(a wake)をし、人々が故人(棺)にお参りに来ます。そして最後にお葬式(告別式)(a funeral)を行います。お葬式に来る人のことはmourners(会葬者)といいます。
日本では、各年忌の命日(memorial days)に、家族が法要を行います。

Summer is a time for holidays, vacations and taking days off. Japanese time away from work tends to be shorter than English speaking countries, but even so, one or two days off cannot really be termed as a "holiday", this is "two days off". If you have longer time, you "plan", "book", "take" or "go on" vacation/holiday.
But if you catch a summer cold, you will "take a sick day" and "stay home".
夏は休暇休みを取る季節です。日本では、仕事から離れる期間は、英語を話す国々に比べると短いようです。それでも、1〜2日の休みは実際には"holiday"とはいえません。これは"two days off"です。もしもっと長く時間がとれたなら、休暇を計画して、予約をして、休暇を取って出かけます

An election is coming in Japan!
Prime Minister Mori dissolved the Lower House and call a snap election in June.
Voting day is next Sunday. For whom will you vote?

"Look like" and "like"
If someone asks "What is the new boss like?" they generally mean "What is his character?" (He's kind/quiet/strict), but if they ask "What does the new boss look like?" they are asking about his appearance and the answer is likely to be "He's about 50 years old, small and wearing glasses."

Of course, if they ask "What does the new boss like?" the answer may well be "I hear he likes golf, pachinko and sushi!"
もし誰かに「What is the new boss like?」と訪ねられた場合、普通「彼はどんな性格なの?」(優しい、無口、厳しい)という意味ですが、「What does the new boss look like?」と聞かれた場合、彼の外見について聞かれていることになります。答えは「彼は50歳くらいで、小柄で眼鏡をかけています。」という感じになります。

 もちろん、「What does the new boss like?」と聞かれた場合は、「彼はゴルフとパチンコ、それにお寿司が好きらしい」という答えになります。

Seniors and Juniors
Many personal relations in Japanese are described according to rank, age of length of experience. Words like "sempai" and "kohai" have no easy English equivalents.
To say "Nakabashi-san is my sempai" we say "Nakabashi was the year ahead of me at college" or for kohai we say "the year below me".

Western businesses do not tend to recruit large groups of recent graduates at the same time, so douki has no easy, one-word translation in English. We usually say "I went drinking with Watanabe-san, who joined the company at the same time as I did."
「中林さんは私の先輩です。」と言う場合は「Nakabashi was the year ahead of me at college.(大学で私の上級生だった)」、また後輩の場合は「the year below me(下級生だった)」と言います。

 欧米の社会では、同時に新卒者を大量に募集することはあまりないので「同期」と同じ意味の英語(1語では)はありません。この場合、通常「I went drinking with Watanabe-san, who joined the company at the same time as I did.(私は同じ時期に入社した渡辺さんと飲みに行った)」と言います。

Backpack Travel
Some countries, particularly those in Southeast Asia, are geared to "backpack travel." Backpack travelers take extended trips and have a flexible schedule. In many cities, it's possible to arrive in the backpacker's district without hotel reservations and find accommodation within minutes. In these districts, it's easy to make last-minute arrangements for day trips or visas to neighboring countries. In travelers' cafes, fellow customers recommend the best places to go and stay.
Don't worry about not having a schedule: This flexibility can be rewarding and relaxing. All you need is a small backpack and a big sense of adventure!

How do you know each other?
If we want to know how people are related or where they first met, we say this: "How do you know each other?" or "How do you know Noriko?"
Here are some possible answers.
  "We're just friends."
  "We met in high school."
  "(We know each other) from high school."
  "We met through work."
その人達がどんな関係なのか、また彼らがどこで最初に会ったかを知りたいときには"How do you know each other?"(あなた方はどの様なご関係ですか?)、または"How do you know Noriko?"(あなたは紀子さんとどのようなお知り合いですか?)と聞きます。

2001 is the Year of the Snake in the Chinese Zodiac.
In English snakes have a generally bad image, because in the Bible Eve was tempted by a snake to eat forbidden fruit.
If you call someone a "snake" it means he cannot be trusted, and a "snake in the grass" is someone who looks friendly, but is waiting to harm you.
"snake"と呼ぶなら、その人は信頼できないということを意味します。また"snake in the grass"とは、親しみやすそうに見えるけれども、噛みつく機会を待ち受けているような人のことを意味します。

Coming-of-Age Day or Adults' Day is a Japanese national holiday to honor people who have reached the age of 20 in the past year. Young people dress up in kimono and go to their city office, town hall to receive an official congratulation and gift.

New Year food
Japanese families eat their fill of osechi ryori or New Year food in the New Year's holidays.
Many different kinds of cold and pickled foods are arranged in tiered lacquer boxes, bought from department stores or made at home.

The foods include: kuromame (stewed black soybeans), kazunoko (salted herring roe), tazukuri (dried sardines cooked in soy sauce), gobo (burdock marinated in vinegar), kamaboko (broiled fish paste) and of course omochi (rice cakes grilled or boiled) and ozoni (chicken soup).


Skiing Words
Many Japanese skiing words come from German or French, for example...

 sutokku    ski pole
 gerende    ski slope, ski run
We use "play" for team sports. But Skiing and snowboarding are not team sports, so we use them like this.

Let's ski! (NOT: Let's play ski!)
Let's snowboard! (NOT: Let's play snowboard!)

Also, we don't talk about a one-day pass or a one-day trip. We say a day pass, a day trip.


 日本語       英語
 ストック    ski pole
 ゲレンデ    ski slope, ski run
チームで行うスポーツには "play" を使います。でも、スキーやスノーボードはチームで行うスポーツではないので、次のように使います。

Let's ski! ("Let's play ski!"とは言いません。)
Let's snowboard! ("Let's play snowboard!"とは言いません。)

またa one-day passa one-day tripとは言いません。a day passa day trip と言います。

It Takes
We use the expression take to describe the time we need to do something.

OK: The cake took an hour to bake.
OK: It takes 90 minutes to fly to Tokyo.
NO: I take 90 minutes to fly to Tokyo.
Why don't we say I take 90 minutes to fly to Tokyo? Because it takes the same amount of time for anyone, not just for me.

かをするために必要な時間を表す場合、"take" を使った表見を使います。

正: ケーキが焼けるまで、1時間かかりました
正: 東京まで、飛行機で90分かかります
I take 90 minutes to fly to Tokyo. なぜ、"I take 90 minutes to fly to Tokyo."と言わないのでしょうか?
it takes〜は、自分にとってだけではなく、誰にとっても同じ時間がかかることを表すからです。

Mad Cows
In American English, mad means angry. In British English, mad means insane. The expression mad cow disease comes from the British meaning: The cow's brain becomes spongy and the animal behaves strangely (not angrily!).

In cows, the medical name for the disease is bovine spongiform encephalopathy. In humans, the name is Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. It is unique because it is not caused by a virus or bacteria, it is caused by a mysterious protein called a prion protein.
米語では"mad" "angry怒り"を意味します。英語では、"mad" "insane狂気"を意味します。 "mad cow disease狂牛病"という表現は、英語の意味から来ています。牛の脳が海綿状になり、奇妙な(怒るのではなく)行動をとるようになります。

"bovine spongiform encephalopathy"ですが、人間ではクロイツフェルト・ヤコブ病です。この病気は、ウィルスやバクテリアによって発症するのではなく、"prion protein"と呼ばれる不思議なタンパク質によるものです。

Winter Weather
Sapporo gets as much as 5 m of snowfall in a year! In English, when we talk about snowfall we usually say "It snowed". (NOT: Snow fell. )
It snowed last night.
We had 20 cm of snow.

What's the difference between snowfall, snow accumulation and cumulative snowfall? Here's an example.
It snowed 5 cm every day this week, but it all melted today. So, we had 5 cm of snow (of snowfall) every day this week, for a cumulative snowfall of 35 cm. Now there is no snow accumulation: All the snow has melted.

札幌では年間5mの降雪があります!英語では、雪が降ることを話すときには "It snowed." と言います。("Snow fell."とは言いません。)

20 cmの積雪がありました。

 では、snowfallsnow accumulationcumulative snowfallの違いは何でしょう?以下に例をあげてみます。

今週は毎日5 cm雪が降りましたが、今日で全て溶けてしまいました。もし毎日5 cmづつ雪が降ったら、累計積雪量は35 cmになります。でも、雪は全て溶けてしまったので、今は積雪はありません。

Which do you use for people's feelings and which do you use for the thing which causes the emotion? It is hard to remember. Try this memory trick:

 I was interested in the movie. ("ed" because I am human and have an ed(head!).)

 The movie was interesting. (no "ed" because a movie is not a human with a head!)



Don't you like sushi
Be careful with negative questions. ("Don't you like sushi?")
They can sound like criticism, unless they are about offering something.

  OK: Won't you sit down? (Would you like to sit down?)
  OK: Won't you join me for coffee? (Would you like to have coffee with me?)
  NO: Don't you like sushi? (You don't like sushi? What's wrong with you?)
  NO: Won't you help me? (Why aren't you helping me?)
否定形の質問 ("Don't you like sushi?") には気をつけましょう!

  OK: 座りませんか?  (座りますか?)
  OK: コーヒーを飲まない?  (コーヒーを飲みませんか?)
  NO: お寿司はきらい?  (お寿司はきらい? どうかした?)
  NO: 手伝ってくれない?  (どうして手伝ってくれないの?)

E-commerce in Sapporo, the online retailer, is locating (opening an office) in Sapporo. The company announced that it will hire (give jobs to) twenty employees (workers). This is good news for Hokkaido, which wants to be a player (an important person or company) in e-commerce (electronic sales). は、オンラインショップで、札幌にオフィスを設立(開設)します。会社は20名の従業員を募集する(雇う)と発表しました。これはe-commerce(電子取引)に参入しようとしている(重要な参加者となりたい)北海道にとって、よいニュースです。

These are two words that even native speakers - usually writers - easily confuse. When you are speaking the difference in pronunciation is very small and probably nobody will notice if you make a mistake. In writing your mistake is more obvious.

1. "to effect" - to bring about/to accomplish
2. "to affect" - to influence
1. The new boss effected major changes in the office.
2. The weather affects my mood, I feel sad when it rains and happy when it is fine!

"effect" is also a noun and means "result."
Did you notice any effect after dieting for a month?
What are the effects of the lead poisoning on children?

1. "to effect" - 引き起こす/成し遂げる
2. "to affect" - 影響を及ぼす
1. 新しい上司はオフィスに大きな変化をもたらした
2. 雨が降れば悲しく、晴れると幸せな気持ちになるように、天候は私の気分に影響を与える

"effect" はまた、名詞として"result(結果)"の意味もあります。

City Nicknames
Some of the big cities in the US have nicknames, can you guess which cities these might be?

The Big Apple
The District
The Windy City
Bean Town

Did you work them out? They are in order: New York, Washington, Los Angeles, Chicago and Boston.

"The Big Apple" はニューヨーク、
"The District" はワシントン、
"Lala-land" はロスアンジェルス、
"The Windy City" はシカゴ、
"Bean Town" はボストンです。

Driving English
When we drive, we use words that sound like English - but would a native speaker understand you? Like many katakana words the meaning is sometimes the same, and sometimes not!

1. ガソリン, ナンバープレート, ガソリンスタンド
These are the same in English, although there are differences between American and British English, i.e. gaspetrol, license plate and gas servicepetrol station.

2. ハンドル, ウィンカー, パンク, アクセル, フロントガラス
Use these and a foreigner may look confused! A "winker" could be a guy who winks at girls a lot! Instead, use these English words: steering wheel , directionalindicator , flat tirepuncture , accelerator, windshieldscreen.

3. Klaxon is a horn in a car and a klaxon is a factory.

1. ガソリン, ナンバープレート, ガソリンスタンド
例:gas(米)/petrol(英)、license plate(米)、gas service(米)/petrol station(英)

2. ハンドル, ウィンカー, パンク, アクセル, フロントガラス
これらの言葉を使うと、ネイティヴスピーカーは混乱してしうでしょう!"winker" は女の子にしょっちゅうウインクするやつという意味になってしまいます!
これらの正しい英語は、steering wheeldirectionalindicator flat tirepunctureacceleratorwindshield(米)/screen(英)です。

3. 車のKlaxonhornです。"Klaxon"は、製造会社の名前です。

The leaves are turning/changing color and the temperature is falling as winter approaches. If we get some warm, sunny days we call it "Indian Summer" weather. Early morning or evening mists or even fog may make driving difficult. Many people prepare their gardens for winter by wrapping plants in protective layers.
木の葉が色づき、冬の訪れを感じさせるように、気温が下がってきています。この季節に、晴れて暖かい日になることがありますが、これを"Indian Summer(小春日和)"と言います。早朝や夕方の濃霧の中では、運転するのも大変です。また、人々は庭の植物に保護するための覆いをして冬に備えます。

Top 3 Mistakes
Are you guilty of these? If so, your English teacher is not surprised. Most likely they have heard it before - many times. Number one is the most common mistake in Japan and the other two are infamous too. Be careful!

1. "I went to shopping."
Should be "I went shopping", the to is used when talking about a place i.e. to the park or to Marui. Shopping is an activity, similar words: hiking, snowboarding, drinking.

2. "I am a safety driver."
Should be "I am a safe driver" because safe is the adjective and safety is a noun i.e. "Safety has increased because police officers walk the streets." Another option is to say "I drive safely" using safely the adverb.

3. "He's a strong drinker."
Should be "He can drink a lot" or "He can hold his drink" or, if the drinking is a problem: "He is a heavy drinker."

1. "I went to shopping."
 これは"I went shopping."としなければなりません。toは、to the park(公園へ)やto Marui(丸井へ)のように、場所について話すときに使います。Shoppingは行動です。同じ意味では、hiking、snowboarding、drinkingがあります。

2. "I am a safety driver."
 これは"I am a safe driver."としなければなりません。Safeは形容詞でsafetyは名詞だからです。例えばsafetyは「警察官がその通りを歩くようになったので、安全になった。」のように使います。その他に、safelyを副詞として使うと"I drive safely."ということもできます。

3. "He's a strong drinker."
 これは"He can drink a lot." 、"He can hold his drink."としなければなりません。またdrinking が問題であれば"He is a heavy drinker."としてもよいでしょう。

Game, Match and Race
The Olympics showcased so many different sports, and each one has its own special English. Do you know the difference between these three words?

Game and Match are similar - a contest between two or more people with a scoring system. The difference is that match is used to describe a more formal, point-scoring situation: "I had a tennis game with friends yesterday and on Sunday I am playing a match against another club."
A race is a contest of speed, so we say a horserace, a bicycle race, a yacht race, and a hurdle race.
*For sumo we say a bout, because this word describes a contest in a set period of time, i.e. judo, fencing, or wrestling.

 GameMatchは似ています。これは2人以上でスコアを競う競技です。その違いは、matchはより対外的な表現で「昨日私は友達とテニスの試合(game)をしました。そして日曜日には他のテニスクラブと対抗戦 (match)をします。」のように使います。
Raceはスピードを競う競技です。"horserace"、"bicycle race"、"yacht race"、"hurdle race"と言いますよね。

There is a group of words in English which we can use to describe the quality of something. Using these words cuts down on words such as "can be" or "is able to be".

audible "The noisy party is audible in all the surrounding apartments."
(can be heard)
eligible "Kumiko is eligible for the home-stay program." (can qualify to apply)
edible "Are these mountain mushrooms edible?" (can be eaten)
inflammable "This cheap tent is inflammable, it's dangerous! (can catch on fire)
washable "The label says this sweater is machine-washable" (can be washed)
understandable "I saw a Russian movie. I don't speak Russian, but the acting was so emotional that the story was understandable!" (can be understood)

*A new word has come into use recently "doable" which means "can be done or achieved",
i.e. "This project is doable by the deadline, if we get help."

物事の性質を表現するときに使う英単語のグループがあります。これらの単語を使うと、"can be""is able to be"のような言葉を省略できます。

audible 騒がしいパーティはアパートの周辺一帯に聞こえる
eligible 久美子はホームステイ企画に適任である。(申し込む資格がある)
edible これらのきのこは 食べられますか? (食べられる)
inflammable この安いテントは 燃えやすい。危険です!(可燃性の)
washable ラベルにはこのセーターは洗濯機の使用可と表示してあります。(洗うことができる)
understandable ロシア映画を見た。ロシア語は話せないが、演技がとても感動的だったので、内容は理解できた!(理解できる)

* 最近では"doable"という新しい単語がでてきました。これは「することができる、または成し遂げることができる」という意味です。

Effective and Efficient
These words are similar and often are used in combination, but they are different.
If something is effective, it is able to accomplish its purpose. If it is efficient, it is able to do this with minimum waste.
It is effective to kill mosquitoes with a flame-thrower, but this is not efficient.

Until and By
These are confusing words because in Japanese you can use「まで」for both.
If you have problems remembering which to use, try this memory jogger.
"Cinderella danced until midnight, because she forgot she had to be home by midnight!"

Until is used to show a continuous action and by is used to show the last point of time by which something must be done.
i.e. I am working hard until June 23 because my report must be mailed by June 23.
  The kids play outside until dusk because they must be home by 8 p.m.


There are many ways to describe prices.
 A fare is the price of transportation.
  The New York City subway system has a flat fare: The cost does not change with the travel
 A fee is the price for using something or entering a place.
  The admission fee was ten dollars.
 The cost is the amount you spend on something.
  Some people complain about the high cost of living in Japan.
 A rate is the cost for accommodation or the unit cost of something.
  The hotel rates in New York are expensive. Phone rates are coming down.

Shape up!
Summer is here and it is time to shape up, get in (good) shape and get fit.
After winter, many people are feeling out of shape and know that they have to exercise or go on a diet/diet to lose a few kilograms. Some people exercise by working out - going to the gym, others play sport regularly and go jogging/running.

*We can also use "to shape up" in the sense of prepare for something or become ready for a task, i.e. "I need to shape up my presentation skills before the conference" or "Mr. Kato, the new staff member, is shaping up nicely as a useful member of this company."

"shape up"は、何かの準備をする、または仕事への態勢を整えるという意味にも使います。

English and Japanese have many words for promotional printed material.

a brochure: a magazine advertising a company or product; it often has photos and glossy paper
a pamphlet: a thin brochure
a flier: an inexpensive one-page ad
direct mail: a letter targeting a specific market
an insert: an ad included in a magazine, newspaper or other publication
an instruction manual: directions on how to use a product; these often highlight special features

CM is Japanese English. We say "commercial."



English in The Cabinet
The new government has many English speakers. The Asahi Shimbun described their various levels.
  • "Speaks English": Makiko Tanaka (Foreign Minister)
  • "Is well versed in [English]": Yoriko Kawaguchi (Environment Minister), Heizo Takenaka (Economic and Fiscal and IT Policy Minister), Mayumi Moriyama (Justice Minister), Nobuteru Ishihara (Administrative Reform Minister)
  • "Has no difficulty communicating in English": Junichiro Koizumi (Prime Minister)
  • "Has a reputation for being able to speak English well": Yoriko Kawaguchi (Environment Minister)


  • "英語を話す":田中眞紀子氏(外務大臣)
  • "英語に精通している":川口順子氏(環境大臣)、竹中平蔵氏(経済財政政策担当大臣、情報通信技術(IT)担当)、森山眞弓氏(法務大臣)、石原伸晃氏(行政改革担当 規制改革担当大臣)
  • "英語でのコミュニケーションが造作なくできる":小泉純一郎氏(総理大臣)
  • "素晴らしい英語を話すことで有名":川口順子氏(環境大臣)

Talking about traveling can be tricky. Usually we use travel as the verb and trip as the noun.
 A. I traveled to Argentina. (verb)
 B. How was your trip? (noun) (NOT: How was your travel?)

When we use trip with a verb, the verb is take.
 A. I took a trip to Argentina.
 B. Was it a business trip?
 A. No. I didn't travel on business. I traveled for pleasure.

Usually, travel is more general than trip.
 A. I took a business trip.
 B. Oh. Do you like to travel?
旅行について話す場合、やっかいなことがあります。普通 "travel"は動詞、"trip"は名詞として使います。
How was your travel?とは言いません。)



Small Talk
You know how to ask someone's name, job and country. Then what? Here are some follow-up questions. (Hint: Avoid questions that emphasize differences, like "Do you like sushi.")

 Have you traveled much?
 Where do you live?
 What are your plans for the coming _ (Golden Week, New Year's, etc.) holidays?
 What do you do in your free time?
 Do you play any sports?


Everyone knows about Janglish. It's what happens when English words take new meanings in Japanese. Katakana-cized English expressions can improve your vocabulary, but remember that they may be pronounced differently from real English. They may have a different meaning from English. They may even mean nothing in English!

Janglish English translation Literal meaning in English
ノート notebook (note = ) メモ
シャープペンシル mechanical pencil (sharp pencil = ) とがったエンピツ
フリードリンク all-you-can-drink special (free drinks = ) 飲み物がただ
ライブハウス live music club (live house = ) 生きている家
オフセール sale (off sale = 意味がありません)


Moving Season
The snow is gone. A new school year is starting. It's moving time.

 (Arthur) I'm moving from Kotoni to Sumikawa.
 (Martha) Do you need any help?
 (A) No thanks. I don't have many things.
 (M) Tell me about your new place.
 (A) It's great. It's ten minutes from the subway station. It has three rooms. The rent is
   50,000 yen. I don't need a guarantor, and the deposit is only one month's rent.
 (M) Is the deposit refundable?
 (A) Yes, if I stay for two years.
 (M) Do you have to pay key money or realtors' fees?
 (A) Nope. My friend is moving out, and she introduced me to the landlord.

 (アーサー) 琴似から澄川へ引っ越すんだ。
 (マーサ) 手伝いましょうか?
 (ア) 大丈夫。あまりたくさん物はないんだ。
 (マ) 新居はどんなところ?
 (ア) 良いところだよ。地下鉄から10分で、3つ部屋があって、家賃は5万円なんだ。
 (マ) 敷金は戻ってくるの?
 (ア) 2年間住んでいれば、戻るよ。
 (マ) 権利金や、不動産業者への手数料も払わなければならないのでしょう?
 (ア) いいや。僕の友達が引っ越して、彼女が僕を大家さんに紹介してくれたんだ。

FOOD: Cooking Methods
There are many ways of cooking foods.

  Spaghetti is boiled.
  Fried chicken is deep-fried.
  Tsukemono are pickled.
  Pizza is baked.
  Oden is simmered.
  Sushi is served raw.
  Spinach is often steamed.
  A poached egg is poached.
  In North America, hamburgers are often barbecued.
  At home, fish is broiled. In a restaurant, it's grilled.
  Steak is served rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, or well done.


FOOD: Flavors
There are many ways of talking about flavors. Don't confuse flavor and taste.
Flavor is an aspect of taste. For example, cherry gum has a cherry flavor, but it tastes sweet and chewy.

  Honey is sweet.
  Cheese is smelly or pungent.
  Lemon juice is sour.
  Herbal tea is fragrant.
  Aspirin is bitter.
  Soy sauce is salty.
  Chili peppers are spicy.
  Smoked salmon has a smoky flavor.
  Fish is flavorful.


Troublesome Countries
Some country names are very different in English and Japanese. The name may be a different word, or it may have a different pronunciation. (The syllable stress is VERY important.)
Here are some examples.

Burma (BUR-ma)
Germany (JUHR-ma-ni)
India (IN-di-a)
Greece (GREECE)
Thailand (THAI-land)
the Netherlands (the NE-thur-lands)
Paris (PA-ris)
Italy (I-ta-lee)
Vietnam (vee-et-NAM)
Cambodia (kam-BO-dee-a)
Australia (aw-STRAY-li-a)
Austria (AW-stree-a)
Laos (LAH-oce)
Ireland (AYUR-land)
Tibet (ti-BET)
Nepal (ne-PAL)

Pigs in the news!
a) a pork-barrel project
This is a construction project, such as a bridge, dam orroad, which is backed by the government for political reasons, rather than the public good.
Nagano Governor Tanaka has been very critical of such projects in recent weeks.

b) foot-and-mouth disease
A major news event in Europe now, it started with an outbreak at an English farm and has now spread to France. Only cloven-hoofed livestock, pigs, cows and sheep, get sick, but the disease can be transferred by other animals or humans. Many sports events have been postponed and America has banned imports of European meat.

a) (連邦議会議員が)選挙区の利益のため政府の補助金を獲得するための政策
  これは公益というよりは、むしろ政治的な理由で政府が援助する、橋やダムや道路    等の建設計画です。

b) 口蹄病


When speaking Japanese we must be modest. This is true for many languages and cultures.
The best way to be modest in English is to admit to your skill without emphasizing it.
 (Bill Gates) Mr. Clapton, are you a good guitar player?
 (Eric Clapton) Well, I'm not bad.

If you deny a skill, people may think you're boasting by being TOO modest. This is called false modesty. Or they may think you're fishing for a compliment (trying to make someone compliment you).
 (Eric Clapton) Mr. Gates, are you rich?
 (Bill Gates) Oh, not really.
 (Eric Clapton) Everyone knows you're a billionaire!
 (Bill Gates) Uh...yes, that's true.


When we travel by plane, we say we "fly." A plane leaving at a certain time is called a "flight."
 A. Did you fly from Honshu?
 B. Yes, I took flight GD704 from Niigata.
Like other transportation, a plane "departs" (leaves) and "arrives" (comes). We also have special words for the action of a plane: A departing plane "takes off"; an arriving plane "lands."

There are several classes of airline tickets: economy/discount, business, first class. There are several types of tickets: open, fixed, one-way, round-trip.
British English speakers say a "return ticket" instead of "round trip." To North Americans "return" could mean only the return leg of the journey.
 A. 本州から飛行機で来たのですか?
 B. はい。新潟からGD704便に乗って来ました。

英語では往復のことを"round trip"と言わずに、"return ticket"と言います。北アメリカの人々にとっては、"return"は旅の中の帰りの1行程のみを意味します。

"What" or "What Kind"?
If we want to know the specific name of a thing, we use "what."
 Q. What movie did you see? (NOT: What kind of movie did you see?)
 A. I saw "Vertical Limit."

If we want to know the general type of thing, we use "what kind."
 Q. What kind of movie did you see?
 A. I saw an action movie.

 Q. What kind of food did you eat?
 A. I ate Japanese food.
 Q. Really? What did you have?
 A. I had tempura.
事の明確な名前を知りたいときには、 "what."を使います。
 Q. なんという(タイトルの)映画を見たのですか?
 A. "Vertical Limit"を見ました。

物事の一般的な種類を知りたいときには、 "what kind."を使います。
 Q. どんな(種類の)映画を見たのですか?
 A. アクション映画を見ました。

 Q. どんな(種類の)ものを食べたのですか?
 A. 日本食を食べました。
 Q. 本当? 何を食べましたか?
 A. 天ぷらを食べました。

Was The Food Good?
Like Japanese speakers, English speakers generally use neutral words when asking questions. For example, we don't say: "Is her boyfriend movie-star handsome?" We say: "Is her boyfriend attractive?" We don't know how the boyfriend looks, so it makes no sense to ask if he is very good looking. For the same reason, we don't say "Was the food delicious?" We say, "How was the food?" or "Was the food good?"

Handsome Women, Cute Men
We use handsome for men and beautiful for women. But we can use handsome for a woman with strong features. The Statue of Liberty is a handsome woman. We can use cute now for women and men. Brad Pitt is too cute for words! We use attractive for both sexes, too. It usually means charming plus good-looking. Julia Roberts is very attractive: She's beautiful and intelligent. Here are other stars.

  George Clooney, Harrison Ford -- rugged
  Winona Ryder -- breathtaking
  Robert Redford -- boyishly good-looking
  Kimura Takuya, Meg Ryan -- pretty
  Isabella Rosselini, Jodie Foster, David Bowie -- striking
  Lucy Liu, Naomi Campbell -- exotic
  Cathering Zeta Jones -- stunning
"handsome"は男性と美しい女性に対して使います。また、強そうな容貌の女性に対しても使います。自由の女神は"handsome"です。"cute"は、今では女性にも男性にも使います。Brad Pitt"cute"がピッタリです!"attractive"も男女共に使います。これは普通"charming"で、さらに"good-looking"であることを意味します。Julia Robertsはとても"attractive"です。彼女は美しくて知的だからです。それでは他のスター達はどうでしょう。

  George Clooney, Harrison Ford -- rugged
  Winona Ryder -- breathtaking
  Robert Redford -- boyishly good-looking
  Kimura Takuya, Meg Ryan -- pretty
  Isabella Rosselini, Jodie Foster, David Bowie -- striking
  Lucy Liu, Naomi Campbell -- exotic
  Cathering Zeta Jones -- stunning

How do we say kyoku in English? It depends on the type of music.
  a pop/rock/blues song
  a classical or jazz piece or composition

What do we call written music (gakufu)? Again, it depends on the type.
  the sheet music to a pop/rock/blues song
  the score to a musical or opera

Trivia: The top-selling single of 2000 was "Tsunami" by Southern All-Stars. The year before it was "Dango San-Kyodai."

  ポップス、ロック、ブルースの曲は、sheet musicです。


A surprise can be good (a pleasant surprise) or bad (a nasty surprise). Here are some of the things you can say when you're surprised.


For any surprise…(どんな驚きにも使えます)
 No way!                 (うそだ!)
 You're kidding!       (うそ!) 
 Come on!                (うそじゃない?) 
 Really?                  (ほんと?)
 Is that so?                (なるほど.)
 Are you crazy?      (まさか!)
 Get outta here!       (まさか!)
  ⇒New Yorkers love this one. ニューヨークっ子はこれが好きです

For a bad surprise…(嫌な驚きのときに使います)
 That’s terrible!     (ひどい!!)


Since the movie "Tsuri Baka Nishin," sport fishing has become popular in Japan. Remember, tsuri o suru is"to go fishing," but tsureru is "to catch a fish."  There are several kinds of fishing:

    freshwater fishing (in lakes and rivers)

   ocean fishing (in the sea)

    deep-sea fishing (from a boat in the sea)

There are also many fishing idioms and sayings.

    "There are plenty of fish in the sea."
 (You have many chances to find a good boyfriend or girlfriend.)

    "The company is bottom fishing."
 (The company is looking to buy other companies while they are cheap.)

    "He swallowed my excuse hook, line and sinker."
 (He naively believed my excuse completely.)

    "Her resume looks fishy."
 (Her resume looks suspicious.)

映画「釣りバカ日誌」の公開以来、日本ではスポーツフィッシングがはやっています。「釣りをする」は「go fishing」ですが、「釣れる」は「catch a fish」です。釣りにも何種類かあります─
 ・freshwater fishing (湖や川など淡水での釣り)
 ・ocean fishing (海釣り)
 ・deep-sea fishing (船に乗って行う海釣り)
 "There are plenty of fish in the sea."
 "The company is bottom fishing."
 "He swallowed my excuse hook, line and sinker."
 "Her resume looks fishy."


White wine should be chilled, and red wine should be drunk at room temperature.  In Europe, however, "room temperature" is slightly cooler than in North America.  Some Europeans complain that Americans like food too hot or too cold to taste.  Here are some other temperature words.

    scalding, piping hot (very hot)

    simmering (just below the boiling point)

    lukewarm (room temperature or slightly warmer)

    tepid (slightly cooler than lukewarm, for liquids)

    body temperature

    freezing (very cold)

白ワインは冷やして(chilled)して、赤ワインは室温(room temperature)で飲むべきでしょう。でもヨーロッパのいう「room temperature」は、北米のそれよりも低めです。ヨーロッパ人はアメリカ人が食べるには熱すぎたり、冷たすぎたりする食物を好むので気に入りません。ほかに温度を表す言葉をいくつかご紹介しましょう。
・scalding, piping hot (非常に暑い・熱い)
・simmering (沸騰直前)
・lukewarm (室温、ちょっと温かめ)
・tepid (lukewarmより少し低い。液体の温度の表現に使います)
・body temperature(人肌)
・freezing (凍てつく・冷たい)

Before a soccer game, the referee flips a coin to decide who kicks off.  Here are other ways of making decisions.
 drawing straws (to decide who has to do something unpleasant)
 One person cuts straw to different sizes and hides the lengths in his hand. The person who pulls out the shortest straw is the loser.
 drawing lots (the original lottery, good for large groups)
 One slip of paper per person is put in a box.One is marked as the winning
slip.The person who draws that one is the winner.
 rock, scissors, paper (usually done by children)
 The equivalent of jan, ken, pon.

 picking a number from 1 to 10 (used for small groups)
 One person decides a number between one and ten.  The other people guess.  The person who guesses closest is the winner.
サッカーの試合の前に審判は、コインを投げて(flip a coin)どちらがキックオフをするのか決めます。ここではコイン投げ以外での物事の決定方法をあげます。
 ・drawing straws(貧乏くじを引く人を決める)
 ・drawing lots(本来のくじ引き。人数が多い場合)
 ・rock, scissors, paper(ふつうは子供がします)
 ・picking a number from 1 to 10(少人数の場合)

A portrait is a picture of a real person.  All the portraits we have of William Shakespeare were painted after he died, even though he was famous when he was alive.  No one really knows what he looked like.  A British man has recently said he owns a portrait of Shakespeare painted when the writer was young.  Experts say the painting was done when Shakespeare lived (1564-1616), but that we will never know if it is really the writer's portrait.

The people you work with are your "coworkers."  If you work in a profession (law, medicine, teaching), they are called "colleagues" if they are professionals in the same field.  "Customer" and "client" are similar, but not the same.  "Client" suggests an ongoing relationship and specialized services.  Shops and restaurants have customers; translation companies have clients.

"Mushi suru" means "to ignore (something)."  If a car ignores the red light, we say it "runs the light."  If a pedestrian ignores the red light, we say he or she "crosses against the light."  This can be called "jaywalking," a word that also means crossing at a place other than the crosswalk.  In some small towns, jaywalking is illegal.  In other towns in the U.S. , cars stop at crosswalks to let pedestrians cross.  If you are driving and see a sign "YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS," you should stop to let any pedestrians cross.
「無視をする」は英語で「ignore」です。車が赤信号を無視すると英語では「run the light」となります。歩行者が信号無視した場合は、「cross against light」と言います。これは「jaywalking」と言うこともできますが、この言葉は横断歩道以外の場所を渡ることも意味します。小さな町では、歩行者による信号無視や横断歩道以外の場所での道路の横断を違法としているところがあります。また、歩行者が横断歩道を渡るまで車の停止を定めている町もあります。もし運転していて歩行者優先の標識(YIELD TO PEDESTRIANS)を見たら、歩行者が渡り終えるまで待たなくてはなりません。

Chinese Languages
Congratulations to China for entering the World Trade Organization and for being picked to host the Olympics.  In English, the two best-known dialects of the Chinese language are called Mandarin Chinese (spoken in the north) and Cantonese (spoken in the south, including Hong Kong).  The six other main dialects are Southern Min (spoken in Taiwan), Northern Min, Hakka, Hsiang, and Wu.  They are in the Sino-Tibetan family of languages. 
中国が世界貿易機関へ加盟しました。またオリンピック開催国にも選ばれました。おめでとうございます。英語でもっともよく知られた中国の2つの言語は、北京語(Mandarin Chinese-中国北部で使用)と広東語(Cantonese-中国南部と香港で使用)です。中国の言語は他にも5つありますが、それは福建語(台湾で使用)、福州語、客家語、そして呉語です。いずれもシナ・チベット語族に属します。

Catching the telephone
"I often catch a telephone from my friend when I am in the supermarket". This sounds very dangerous. "Catching" a telephone is like "catching" a ball, someone is throwing it at you. Supermarkets don't like their customers throwing telephones at each other!
Try to say one of these alternatives:
"I often get (telephone) calls from my friend when..."
"My friend often calls me when..."
"I often get (telephone) calls from my friend when..."
"My friend often calls me when..."

Americans on the East and West Coast usually like fish better than people in the Midwest, because the fish is fresher and their heritage tends to be from fish-loving countries. Spaniards eat lots of fish, and the Japanese eat more shrimp than any other nationality does. Here are the favorite fish of ten Sapporo residents. (The scores are from 1 to 10, with 10 as the best.)

Sea bream (tai) 8.1
Tuna (maguro) 8.1
Salmon (sake) 7.6
Herring (nisshin) 7.3
Eel (unagi) 6.2
Pollack (hokke) ホッケ 6.0
Cod (tara) 5.8
Bonito (katsuo) 5.1
Mackerel (saba) 4.9
Sea bass (suzuki) 4.7
Trout (masu) 4.5

These are general words used to describe English skills.
listening ability, or listening comprehension
speaking ability
reading ability
writing ability
communication ability

These are more specific skills.
vocabulary skills
grammar skills



Japanese food is delicious, apart from natto, that is!
The meaning here is that the speaker likes all Japanese foods, but not natto. They might also say "Japanese food is delicious, besides natto". They might also turn the sentence round and say: "Apart from/Besides natto, Japanese food is delicious."

The "that is" at the end of the sentence is a discourse marker - a few words that add something to the main idea. In this case the discourse marker is a phrase that tries to explain the main idea more clearly. The full phrase is "that is to say" and it is shortened to "that is".

e.g. It's on the first floor, that is, at street level.
  We're coming next month, that is to say, in November.
  Susukino is always busy, apart from on New Year's Eve, that is.


文の終わりの "that is" は談話マーカーといい、主題に何かを付け足す二つから三つの単語からできている言葉です。この場合、談話マーカーは、本文をより明確に説明する成句となっています。正式には "that is to say" で、省略すると "that is" となります。


Stop eating!
a) I drove to Shakotan and stopped eat at a restaurant.
b) I drove to Shakotan and stopped eating at a restaurant.
c) I drove to Shakotan and stopped to eat at a restauarant.

Why is the third example correct?
Some verbs in English can be followed by a gerund (___ing) or an infinitive (to _____) - but the meaning changes depending on the grammar you use.
In the examples above b) means that I went to Shakotan and in a restaurant I stopped/didn't/couldn't eat. Maybe I felt sick, or the food wasn't very good!
c) means that I went to Shakotan and on the way I stopped my car in order to eat in a restaurant.

Other verbs like this are: remember, forget, try and need.
英語には、動名詞(又は不定詞を後に続けて使うことができる動詞がありますが、意味は使用する文法によって変わってきます。(a) は文法的に誤った文章です。)
b) の例では、「私は積丹に行きました。そしてレストランでは食べるのを止めた/食べなかった/食べることが出来なかった。」という意味になります。気分が悪かったのか、もしくはそこの食べ物があまりおいしくなかったのでしょう。
c) は、私は積丹に行って、途中でレストランで食事をするのに車を止めたという意味になります。


Japanese life is full of groups of people coming together to talk about common subjects. But English has different words for different occasions.

Meeting/Conference/Convention are all used for groups of people coming together for a common purpose. But a meeting is less formal and smaller in size. Maybe the people come from different groups or companies. A conference brings together members of an association to talk, maybe in a formal situation on a regular basis, and a convention is often a planning meeting of a group of people who belong to the same group.


People say high school English tests are getting easier. Before, teachers used fill-in-the-blank tests. Today they often use multiple choice tests.

These are tests of various types. These are tests of various things.
essay test blood test
oral examination alcohol test
interview test drug test
multiple choice test driving test
fill-in-the-blank test personality test

いろいろなタイプのテスト いろいろなものに対するテスト
論文式テスト 血液検査
口頭試問 飲酒検査
面接試験 薬物検査
多項式選択テスト 運転免許試験
記述テスト 人格検査

Go into a shop outside Japan and ask for a "hotchkiss" and you will probably get a strange look. In English this piece of office equipment is called a stapler. The Japanese name comes from the man who invented it - Benjamin Berkeley Hotchkiss (1826-1885). We also use the word as a verb, "Please staple the report together".
Interestingly Hotchkiss also invented a machine gun, and a large staplers, used in craft workshops, is called a "staple gun".
日本以外のお店へ行って「ホッチキス」を求めると、多分へんな顔をされるでしょう。英語ではこのこの事務用品のこをステープラーと言います。日本語の名前はこれを発明した人の名前ベンジャミン・バークレイ・ホッチキス(1826-1885)から来ています。また stapler は動詞として「その報告書を閉じてください」の様にも使います。
また興味深いことに、ホッチキス氏はマシンガンや 「ステープルガン」と呼ばれる、工芸品製作所で使われる、大きなステープラーも発明しました。

One of the hardest parts of English grammar is how to use these. A basic rule is that the first time something is an "a" and after that it is a "the", e.g. I saw a dog in my garden. The dog was eating my flowers.

"A" is used to talk about something in general and "the" is used to talk about a particular thing or people e.g. I often listen to music. (= music in general) The movie was boring, but I liked the music. (= the music in the movie)


Hokkaido sights
Imagine showing a foreign visitor round Hokkaido - can you describe the sights? In Otaru there is a canal and many old, stone warehouses; in Hakodate there is Goryokaku Fort and the Trappistine Convent; east Hokkaido has the world-famous Kushiro marsh where the Japanese crane gather in winter; Lake Akan has spherical algae and north-east of Asahikawa there is the 21-km long Sounkyo Gorge.

Here are some ways of describing groups in English.
I went to dinner with three members. I went to dinner with two people. (1 + 2 = 3)
How many members were at dinner? How many people did you have dinner with?
How many people were at dinner?
My family has six members. There are six people in my family.
Including me, my family has three sons. I have two brothers. (1 + 2 = 3)



In the 1980s, foreign journalists in Japan used the melon to represent the high cost of living here. They didn't mention two things: the melon is not an everyday food, and not all melons cost 10,000 yen. A $2 melon in America might cost 600 yen here, but not 10,000 yen. Here are some kinds of melon.
cantaloupe (orange)
honeydew melon (yellowy green)
muskmelon (This can mean both cataloupes and honeydew melons, or just honeydew melons.)
カンタロープ (オレンジ色)
ハニーデュー (黄緑色)
マスクメロン (カンタロープとハニーデューをどちらもこの名前で呼びますが、ハニーデューだけをこの名前で呼ぶこともあります。)

Apes and Monkeys
Tim Burton's movie "Plant of the Apes" is popular now in movies theaters. It is based on a book, a TV series and a series of movies starting with the 1968 classic starring Charlton Heston and Roddy McDowell.
We say "ape" for the large, tailless or almost tailless animals and "monkey" for the smaller animals that have long tails. Another word is "primate" - the category includes man, ape, monkey and lemurs.
ティムバートンの映画「猿の惑星」は、今、映画館で人気です。この映画は、本、TVシリーズ、また1968年からシリーズ化された、チャールトン・ヘストンとロビー・マクドゥエルが出演した映画が原作となっています。 ape(類人猿)は、大きくて尾がない、または尾がほとんどない動物のことをいい、monkey(猿)は長い尾のある小さい動物のことをいいます。他にprimate(霊長目)があり、このカテゴリーは人間、類人猿、猿、キツネザルを含みます。

In August many people in Japan head to their family home for the O-bon holiday. Families will visit their family graves in the cemetery to clean the stones and pray to their ancestors. At home a spirit altar(精霊棚) is set up in front of the Butsudan or family altar to welcome ancestor's souls and a priest visits to read a sutra(棚経).

Are you heading for the beach this summer? Are you taking the BBQ set, the box of charcoal, the cooking tongs and plenty of matches? Don't forget the ground sheet or the cooler for the beer!
If you are camping, try to pitch or put up the tent on level ground and in the morning when you take down the tent, remember to take home any trash.

Strange Positions!
Prepositions tell us where something is - in, on, next to, between etc.
But sometimes you need more complicated phrases to describe the location of something.

inside out
I was hung-over from the party, so I went to the shop with my sweater inside out!

back to front
Now people think it is cooler to wear a baseball cap back to front!

upside down
The magician turned the cups upside down and hid colored balls under them.

inside out: 裏返しに

back to front: 前後[後先]逆に

upside down: 逆さまに,ひっくり返して,ひっくり返って

What's the difference between a shrine and a temple? A shrine is Shinto and has priests. A temple is Buddhist and has monks. Here are some other religious buildings.

A Christian (Catholic, Protestant) church
A Jewish synagogue
A Muslim mosque
A Hindu temple


In Japanese there is a single word for lack of sleep. In English, we have an expression from Psychology, "sleep deprivation." But we usually just say "I haven't been getting enough sleep" or "I didn't sleep well last night." If you really can't sleep, you have insomnia and you might want to take a sleeping pill. Sleep researchers have found that if you use your bed only for sleeping (not reading or watching TV), you will sleep better there.

We can do too much of ("overdo") many things.
If we have too much work, we are overworked.
(This means the amount of work and not necessarily the number of hours.)
If we sleep too long, we oversleep.
If we eat too much, we overeat.
But we usually don't say these: I overdrank. I worked overtime. I overworked.
We say "I drank too much," "I worked late," and "I'm overworked."


でも、通常"I overdrank." "I worked overtime." "I overworked." とは言いません。
"I drank too much." "I worked late." "I'm overworked."と言います。

We don't say, Do you drink alcohol?  We say, Do you drink?  It is clear from the context that we mean alcohol.  Non-alcoholic drinks are also called soft drinks.  Hard liquor means alcoholic drinks other than beer and wine.  We don't say You're a strong drinker.  We say, You can drink a lot or You can hold your drink.  When alcohol was banned in America in the late 1920's and early 1930's, organized crime grew.
"Do you drink alcohol?"(アルコールをやりますか)とはいいません。この場合は"Do you drink?"となります。これがアルコールのことを指しているのが文脈上あきらかだからです。ノンアルコール飲料は"soft drinks"(ソフトドリンク)ともいいます。"Hard liquor"とはビールやワイン以外のアルコール飲料のことを指します。酒に強い人を" You're a strong drinker "とはいわず、"You can drink a lot" とか "You can hold your drink"といいます。アルコールがアメリカで1920年代終わりから30年代初頭にかけて禁止された時に、組織犯罪が増えました。

Alligator Cracks?

Some expressions in English are similar to their Japanese equivalents.

alligator cracks  亀甲状クラック
mushrooming    雨後の竹の子
to wash your hands of something  足を洗う
tree-ear mushrooms     キクラゲ
octopus arms  タコの足
drinks like a fish, eats like a pig  鯨飲馬食
shooting star  流れ星
the wind blows up     風が出る

Sports clubs became popular in the '80s and '90s. There are many words for these: gym, fitness center, health club, athletic club. We never say sports gym, a Janglish redundancy. When we go to the gym, we work out, exercise, or train. Usually, training is for a specific purpose, such as running a marathon.
スポーツクラブは80年代と90年代にポピュラーなものとなりました。これには多くの呼び名があります─gym、fitness center、health club、athletic club。sports gymとはいいません。これは日本人がよく知っている英語を組み合わせた形の和製英語です。ジムに行くと、work out(またはexerciseとかtrain)します。ふつうtrainingという言葉は、マラソンなど特定の目的のために使われます。

University Admissions
In Japan, a university accepts students according to its entrance examination. In the U.S., there is a standardized entrance examination called the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) accepted by all colleges and universities. But this test is only of one several considerations in admitting students. Here are others.

GPA (Your grade point average, the average of your cumulative grades in high school. A perfect average (100% or A+) is a 4.0 GPA. Some colleges consider the reputation of your high school; for example, a 3.5 average at good high school is worth as much as an 4.0 average at a bad high school.)
extra-curricular activities (Sports and clubs; we don't say circles.)
teacher recommendations
interviews (often optional)
application essays

GPA (grade point averageの略号で、高校時代の成績の平均を表します。最高点[100%またはA+]はGPA4.0。大学によっては出身高校の評価を考慮に入れます。例えば、評価の高い高校の3.5は、評価の悪い高校の4.0に相当します)


Country Names
Country Names
Paris is called "the City of Lights." New York is "the Big Apple." In the same way, some countries have nicknames. Here are a few.

Ireland The Emerald Isle (エメラルドの島)
Canada The Great White North (グレート・ホワイト・ノース)
Australia / New Zealand Down Under (地球の反対側)
Scandinavia Land of the Midnight Sun (白夜の地)
Japan Land of the Rising Sun (日の出る国)
China The Middle Kingdom (中華帝国)
Tibet The Roof of the World (世界の屋根)
Egypt Land of the Pharaohs (ファラオの国)

Chinese Dust
Every spring, yellow dust blows to Hokkaido from China. This dust is so fine that this year it blew as far as America. It is ironic that, after Sapporo solved the problem of dust from studded tires, it now has a new dust problem. (Note: We don't say the dust comes from Asia, because Japan is in Asia. We can say it comes from continental Asia.)
毎年春になると「黄砂」が中国から北海道に飛んで来ます。黄砂の粒子は非常に細かいため、今年はアメリカまで飛んでいきました。皮肉なことに札幌がスパイクタイヤの粉塵問題を解決した後に、今度は新たな粉塵問題を抱えているわけです(注:日本もアジアの一部なので、アジアから砂塵が飛んでくるとは言いません。アジア大陸-continental Asia -から来たということはできます)。

Hope and Want
Compare these.
I hope to see birds in the park.
(I don't know if there are birds there, but if there are birds, then I will be happy.)
I want to see the birds in the park.
(I know there are birds there, and if I go to the park there's a good chance I can see them.)

If we want to do something, we can usually do it if we try.
If we hope something will happen, we have little control over whether it will happen.
 I hope to see birds in the park.
 I want to see the birds in the park.


Job and Work
We use work to describe the place and the activity. 
→ I went to work.  I had to work.
We use job to talk about a position of employment.            
→ I’m looking for a job.
We don’t overwork. We work overtime (non-salaried workers) or we work late (salaried workers). Sometimes we are overworked (too busy).
We don’t usually say “I have a part time job.” We say “I work part time.”
 私は仕事に行きました。(I went to work.)私は仕事をせねばなりません。(I had to work.)
 私は仕事をさがしています。(I'm looking for a job.)
 オーバーワークを"overwork"とはいいません。サラリーマン以外では"We work overtime."で、サラリーマンでは、"we work late."となります。ときには"we are overworked."といいますが、これは多忙を表現するのに使います。 パートタイムで仕事していることを、ふつう"I have a part time job."とはいわず、" I work part time."とします。

If your "Lois Vuitton" handbag was not made by Lois Vuitton, then it is an "imitation" or "knockoff." A "rip-off" describes stealing or cheating.  If you pay 5,000 yen for bad sushi, then you've been ripped off. Japanese TV has bought the rights to the popular American "Survivor" series. The American version ripped off the original European TV show.
もしあなたの「ルイ・ヴィトン」のハンドバッグがルイ・ヴィトン社製でないとしたら、それは"imitation" とか"knockoff"だということになります。"rip-off"とは盗みとか詐欺のことをいいます。まずいお寿司に5千円も払ったとしたら、あなたは"rip-off"(ボラれた)のです。日本のテレビ局は、アメリカの人気番組『サバイバー』シリーズの権利を買いました。ところでアメリカのものは本家ヨーロッパのテレビ番組を"rip-off"(パクった)ものです。

Bourbon and Champagne
Everyone knows that champagne is named after the Champagne region of France. (Bubbly wine from elsewhere is called "sparkling wine.") Bourbon whisky is the same. It's not real bourbon unless it comes from Bourbon County, Kentucky (U.S.A.) Another regional product is Prosciutto di Parma, prosciutto (cured ham) from the Parma region of Italy. French fries don’t get their name from France. They get their name from being “frenched,” which means sliced julienne (in thin strips).

The world's three great delicacies
Three delicacies are regarded as the world's finest: caviar, truffles, and foie gras (goose liver). Caviar is salted roe (fish eggs), usually from sturgeon. (Sturgeon once lived in Hokkaido. Today, Russia and Iran are famous for sturgeon and caviar.) Truffles are rare mushrooms. Foie gras is made by force-feeding geese until their livers enlarge. Of course, there are many other delicacies, including certain hams and cheeses. These foods are favored because they're rich and come in different degrees of excellence. For example, the quality of caviar depends on the species of fish and the location of production. In Japan, it has been said that the three great delicacies are sea urchin, dried mullet roe and sea cucumber innards.


There are many words for children, depending on their ages.
fetus -- an unborn baby
preemie, premature baby -- a baby born before nine months has passed
newborn -- a baby immediately after birth
infant, baby -- any very young baby
toddler, tot -- a young child who has started walking
kid, child -- a child old enough to talk
preschooler -- a child between the ages of 2 and 5
kindergartner -- a child between the ages of 4 and 6
elementary schooler -- a child in elementary school

For older students, we can say "junior high schooler" or "high schooler."

・ fetus -- 胎児
・ preemie, premature baby -- 妊娠して9ヶ月以内に生まれた早産児。
・ newborn --新生児
・ infant, baby -- 幼児
・ toddler, tot -- よちよち歩きをはじめた小児
・ kid, child -- 会話ができるほどに成長した子供
・ preschooler -- 2〜5歳の子供
・ kindergartner -- 4〜6歳の子供
・ elementary schooler -- 小学生

これより年上の子供はjunior high schooler(中学生)とかhigh schooler(高校生)と呼びます。 

House and home
A house is a building, or the place where someone else lives.  A home is where you live.  The idea of "home" includes the residents. 
     YES :  I'm going home.
     NOT:  I'm going to my house.
Many women who do not have full-time jobs outside the home prefer to be called "homemakers" and not "housewives."
 帰宅するのに"I'm going home."というのは正しいですが、"I'm going to my house."はだめです。

Polite Refusals
In English, if someone asked you “Have you been to Brazil?”, you might say “No.” But if someone asked you “Would you like to have Brazilian food?”, you wouldn’t say “No.” With an invitation, the answer must be polite. Here are some polite refusals.

2)Brazilian is fine. Or maybe something else?
3)I like Brazilian food O.K.
4)I’m not crazy about Brazilian food.
5)Actually, Brazilian’s not my favorite.


Word Games
Word games are sometimes used to teach creative thinking.  Try these.

A man was stranded on an island with only a calendar. How did he survive?
2) Why do kiwi birds have such good vision?
3) Why isn’t my "seafood" diet working?

1) He ate the dates.  OR  He ate sundaes.
2) They have three i's.
3) When I see food, I eat it.


2)kiwi birdsにはi(=eyeと同じ発音)が3つあるから。
3)食べ物を見ると(see food = seafoodと同じ発音)食べてしまうので。

Here are some animal expressions.

He's as strong as an ox. 彼はものすごく力が強い。
She's as stubborn as a mule. 彼女は強情だ。
He's as randy as a goat. 彼はエッチな人だ。
She's as quiet as a mouse. 彼女はとてもおとなしい人だ。
He eat's like a bird. 彼は小食である。
She's as sly as a fox. 彼女は狡猾だ。
He's as free as a bird. 彼は自由気ままだ。
She's as happy as a clam. 彼女はとても幸福だ。
He's as busy as a beaver. 彼は行動的な人だ。
She's as graceful as a swan. 彼女はとても上品だ。
He's as big as a moose. 彼は図体が大きい。

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